Treyten Lapcevich

Treyten Lapcevich


Birthdate: April 6, 2004
Resides: Grimsby, ON
Height: 5’9”
Hobbies: iRacing, Snowboarding


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Alex Tagliani Media Gallery


Many may know Treyten’s older brother, NASCAR Pinty’s Champion  Cayden Lapcevich.

Not to be outdone by his older brother, Cayden, Treyten wasted no time getting to the winner’s circle when given his first opportunity in a quarter midget.

Smooth and fast behind the wheel, Treyten does not let the pressure of being ‘Cayden Lapcevich’s little brother’ get to him. He’s carved his own path and set his own records. As a personable teenager, Treyten has become one of Canada’s most popular racers wherever he goes. In three APC United Late Model Series seasons, Treyten has solidified himself as a championship contender.

Treyten won his first NASCAR Pinty’s Series race in May 2022 at Sunset Speedway. Treyten also impressed many at first NASCAR Pinty’s Series race on dirt at Ohsweken Speedway. After contending closely with dirt track expert Stewart Friesen for much of the race, Lapcevich was able to secure the win with a last lap pass!

Terry Simpson

Jeff Lapcevich

Ryden Lapcevich

Ken Catteau

Mike Schonauer

James Steckly

Steve Harbourne

Kyle Steckly

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